We design to provide positive outcomes for future generations as well as lifestyle benefits for the now. Our designs are innovative and creative. When designing new or modifying existing landscapes we incorporate ecological and sustainable principles and design native gardens that require less maintenance and use minimal inputs. We believe native landscapes should not only look good, but they should also be good for the local ecology and for you.
In today's world of climate change and the decline of nature, designing for the future makes sense. Native plants have traditionally been viewed as second best when it comes to landscaping and tree planting. Today this is vastly different. Over the last 40 years, our retail nursery and design team has turned this notion around. Our latest designs use improved and select native plants, are creative and innovative and allow for both elegance and sustainability. If you want colour and vitality along with an abundance of native birds in your garden, we can provide the expertise necessary.
We provide three levels of service. Initial discussions with you (over the phone or at the nursery) are required to get a brief of the concept/vision you have and the level of service you require. From there we will meet with you onsite.
Level 1 – Walk and Talk
This service provides you with an experienced horticulturalist coming out to your garden and giving you an assessment of your site and species suitable for it.
Cost – $150 per hour + travel @ $150/hour
Level 2 – Garden Design
This service takes a little longer and requires more thought. This level of service will provide you with a concept landscape design along with plant selection and approximate layout. Allow two hours on site along with one hour prior to visit to generate a base plan of the property with the design documented by hand on site. On larger sites or more complex design additional time may be required.
Cost – from $450 (3 hours).
Level 3 – Full Plan and Specifications
This service will provide you with a complete CAD plan with full specifications for plants and other materials along with budget estimates for supply only and for supply and enactment. Suitable for Council DA’s, Office of Water or for clients who wish for detailed plans and specifications.
Cost – from $1200 (8 hours)
Any travel time will be charged at $150/ hour.
Utilise our 40 years of experience designing and establishing beautiful, low maintenance landscapes using native plants.
Wariapendi offers a service which provides professional advice on how to increase productivity, improve capital value and enhance the lifestyle benefits that living on a rural property provides. Our advice includes how to enact revegetation projects, create windbreaks/wildlife corridors, control erosion, create wetlands and how to manage and enhance riparian zones and any remnant natural vegetation on the site.
Level 1 – General Consultation
We will meet with you onsite to formulate design concepts, approximate plant layout, along with recommended species. During this meeting we will provide you with handwritten documentation and drawings. Generally, an allowance of 1.5-3 hours onsite is required but as all properties and needs are different, more or less time may be required.
Cost – $150/hour on site
Travel $150/hour or part thereof
Level 2 – Comprehensive Property Plan
We will meet onsite, assess your needs, and suggest possible areas of improvement and advise ways to increase productivity and the general ‘health’ of the property. We will give insights into:
After our initial meeting onsite meeting we will provide a plan outlining area of improvement. For this service, you should allow a minimum of 2 hours on site plus a minimum of 6 hours for design and documentation back in the office plus any travel
Cost – from $1200
At, Wariapendi Native Nursery, we have a wealth of experience designing & installing landscapes for:
We also offer a professional maintenance service to ensure plant health and maximise growth. Your new landscape begins with a meeting to assess your site, learn how you use the space and understand what you want from your new garden. Our founder and principal designer, Warren Walker will meet you on site to explore initial design ideas, show you examples of our designs and develop a design brief for your approval.